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Sponsoring First Transaction with Reown Verifying Paymaster


Paymaster feature is currently in a limited access phase and only available by invite. If you're interested in access, please contact us.

In this recipe, you will learn how to:

  • Create a Paymaster Policy on Cloud
  • Use the policy in your dapp to sponsor transactions
  • Sponsor using Appkit's embedded account

This guide takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and is split in 2 parts. First, we will be using pre-made policies that interact with smart accounts deployed in service of Appkit lab and validated there. The second half is integrating that in your own Dapp.

Let’s dive in!


  • A fundamental understanding of JavaScript and React.
  • Obtain a new project Id on Reown Cloud at
  • As Paymaster is currently in limited access, you have to be granted access. Please contact us.

Part 1: Set up a policy

First, head to the Cloud dashboard and select "Paymaster" from the sidebar. Then, hit "Add Policy". Since we are just testing, we can stick with "Testnet" chains when greeted with the option of choosing between "Testnet" and "Pay as you go".

After filling in the Policy name and hitting next, a chain selection screen follows next. As all testnet chains are enabled when testing, we can go ahead and click next. This will then show the JSON policy editor. A detailed guide on custom crafting your policy. However, for the purposes of this quick guide, we will use a pre-made policy.

"policyType": "useroperation_payload_control",
"policyStaticProps": {
"contract1": {
"abi": [{"inputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"amount","type":"uint256"}],"name":"purchase","outputs":[],"stateMutability":"payable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"name":"donutBalances","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"check","type":"address"}],"name":"getBalance","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"name":"owner","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}]
"policyLogics": {
"params": {
"key": "callData",
"op": "callDataToEquals",
"value": "0x2E65BAfA07238666c3b239E94F32DaD3cDD6498D"
"ands": [
"params": {
"key": "callData",
"op": "callDataMethodEquals",
"value": "purchase"
"metadata": {
"contractAbi": "<contract1.abi>"
"metadata": {
"chainIds": [
"sponsorSADeployements": true,
"startTime": "2024-11-14T11:12:00.000Z"

The metadata will auto adjust based on the chains and start/end times configured.

Click "Create" and you now have a functional policy!

Retrieving the Paymaster URL

Since all Paymasters are specific to a chain, there is an "RPC URLs" button that provides all the supported chain-specific URLs.

Select Sepolia and copy the URL provided to get your first paymaster URL.

Testing the Paymaster Out

To validate that the paymaster is operating as expected, you can test it in Appkit lab.

If you do not have an Appkit Smart Account, login with email or socials.

Scroll down to "Send Calls (Paymaster Service)" and paste your Paymaster URL and hit send calls.

You can verify it worked in multiple ways:

  • In the network tab in your browser, you can filter by sendUserOperation. If the request payload has a filled in paymasterAndData, then everything is setup!
  • Another way is to copy the send calls result and paste it into "Get Call Status" and then take the transaction receipt and paste it into It will show the paymaster covering the gas.

You can read more about it

Part 2: Integrating it with your Dapp

To add this functionality to your dapp, you can integrate sendCalls functionality using Wagmi's useSendCalls. For example, adding this functionality to a React Component

Define the ABI

const donutContractAbi = [
inputs: [
internalType: 'uint256',
name: 'amount',
type: 'uint256'
name: 'purchase',
outputs: [],
stateMutability: 'payable',
type: 'function'

const donutContactAddress = '0x2E65BAfA07238666c3b239E94F32DaD3cDD6498D' as const

Calculate CallData and Prep transaction

const purchaseDonutCallData = encodeFunctionData({
abi: donutContractAbi,
functionName: 'purchase',
args: [1]

const TEST_TX = {
to: donutContractaddress,
value: parseEther('0.0001'),
data: purchaseDonutCallData

Import sendCalls from Wagmi

import { useSendCalls } from 'wagmi/experimental'
// in component...
const { sendCalls } = useSendCalls({
mutation: {
onSuccess: hash => {
title: 'SendCalls Success',
description: hash,
type: 'success'
onError: () => {
title: 'SendCalls Error',
description: 'Failed to send calls',
type: 'error'

Add Event Handler to a button

const onSendCalls = useCallback(() => {
if (!paymasterServiceUrl) {
throw Error('paymasterServiceUrl not set')
calls: [TEST_TX],
capabilities: {
paymasterService: {
url: paymasterServiceUrl,
}, [sendCalls, paymasterServiceUrl])
return (
SendCalls w/ Paymaster Service

For more information on sponsoring calls, read more in our docs.


If you're running into issues getting a transaction to be successfully sponsored, it's best to isolate issues. So to get started, first:

Setup Environment

  1. Use AppKit's Embedded Smart Wallet: Login using social login (Ex. Gmail) or your email

  2. Ensure the code performs send calls as simply as possible., eg: hardcode the capabilities object and remove any extra conditional logic.

  3. Keep the network tab on your browser console open

Ensure a call to the paymaster is being made

Since the embedded wallet lives on your browser, you can observe the network calls it makes.

If after performing the sendCalls and approving it in the AppKit Embedded Wallet, there is no call to the paymaster URL provided. It likely means that the capabilities were not filled in properly.

Ensure the capabilities object you're sending looks like this:

paymasterService: {
url: '<CHAIN_ID>/rpc?projectId=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>',

Paymaster was called but returned an error

No calls were made to the specified contract.

  1. Ensure that the chain ID provided in the paymaster URL matches the network you are on

  2. Ensure you are targeting the contract and method specified in your policy

Not sure if everything's set up correctly?

  1. Confirm a call to the Paymaster is being made via the network tab
  2. Ensure the response from the call is not 0x or an error.
  3. Verify the call to the bundler (also viewed in the network tab) that is performing sendUserOperation has filled the paymasterData field
  4. Grab the user op hash (result from sendUserOperation) and paste it into a block explorer that supports searching by User Op Hashes like BlockScout
  5. Ensure the paymaster sponsor field is filled